Lifestyle Photographer
Lifestyle Photographer
Lifestyle Photographer
*Additional hours and printing options available upon request.
1.5 hours
1-2 people
1-5 photos
Online Gallery
1 week processing
2 hours
3 or more people
1-2 photos/person
Online Gallery
2 weeks processing
3 hours min.
Unlimited people
50+ photos
Online Gallery
USB Drive of Images
2 weeks processing
6 hours min
150+ photos
Online Gallery
USB Drive of Images
3 weeks processing
"Finding the magical within the mundane..."
I have been shooting photography for over 15 years. It began as a means for documenting my daily life and travels. My photography quickly grew into something much more. I began enjoying the challenge of trying to take my experience of seeing beauty in a person, place, or thing and trying to translate that into a photograph.
Currently, I am a freelance photographer based out of Portland, OR. I have worked with a variety of clients that include but are not limited to agency portraits, wedding photography, and personal use. My adventure photography has been featured on websites such as National Geographic and Outward Bound. I have also served as adjunct faculty at Naropa University teaching introductory and advanced photography classes. If you would like my services as a professional photographer, please contact me below.
-Jor-El Zajatz